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27.03.2024 | 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr


Main Stage


Change doesn’t care whether we like it or not, so let’s make the most of it! Susanne Nickel sees herself as an advocate who inspires change in thought and action. So: Ready, set, change!

Whether globally or within companies, everything feels uncertain and is constantly changing. Change has become part of everyday life on the way to New Work with all its digital challenges. Change fatigue has long since spread among people. How can we overcome our fears and shape and live New Work together? As a former HR manager and lawyer, Susanne has recognized one thing: Change business is people business. What mindset, tools and skills are helpful and what role do HR managers have in this? How can we as HR and leadership managers create a positive future together with passion, courage and confidence? Let Susanne Nickel inspire you with her keynote speech on more courage for change.

This keynote will be held in German and simultaneously translated into English and French. Please bring your own headsets / headphones for the simultaneous translation.