“Erfolgsfaktor Generationenmiteinander ” Leadership Reloaded: Der pulsierende Beat der Generationen

27.03.2024 | 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr


Main Stage


Are you ready to lead the beat of the generations and put cooperation on the road to success?

Let us inspire you and think together in terms of solutions so that, as managers and HR managers, you can master the increasing challenge of balancing the high expectations of young people and the needs of older employees. The presentation by the renowned youth researcher and employer coach for employee retention is based on generational knowledge (current studies), the ABBAS generational model (strategy) and industry experience (practice) based on the BindungsBooster program for increasing employee satisfaction and retention across generations.

This keynote will be held in German and simultaneously translated into English and French. Please bring your own headsets / headphones for the simultaneous translation.